Table of Contents
Learning Bible Today: From Creation to the Conquest of Canaan
by Michael J. Prival
Explaining the Bible from a modern historical perspective
Who Is This Stranger We Are Supposed to Love?
by Michael J. Prival
An analysis of the Biblical commandment based on biblical and rabbinic texts
The Better Angels of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined
by Steven Pinker
book reviewed by Michael J. Prival
Why Were Two Washington Nationals Named For A Canaanite God?
by Michael J. Prival
Baseball, the Bible, and history
Who wrote the Talmud? And is it Really as Xenophobic as it Seems?
Jews, Gentiles, and Other Animals: The Talmud After the Humanities
by Mira Beth Wasserman
book reviewed by Michael J. Prival
by Michael J. Prival
A discussion of the history of Darwin’s ideas, intelligent design,
and the controversies over teaching evolution in public schools in the United States
The Best-selling Theology of Rabbi Harold Kushner:
When Bad Things Happen to Good People and
When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough by Harold S. Kushner
books reviewed by Michael J. Prival
The Evolution of God by Robert Wright
book reviewed by Michael J. Prival
Joseph’s Bones:
Understanding the Struggle Between God and Mankind in the Bible
by Jerome M. Segal
book reviewed by Michael J. Prival